[users at bb.net] Need a bit of help with buildset properties

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Thu Jul 5 18:32:08 UTC 2018

Hi all,
I'm quite inexperienced at writing buildbot test cases (or python
development in general),
and the fake database is a bit of a mystery still.

Here's what I'm trying to test:

My test test_collapseRequests_collapse_default_with_a_merge_request
fails; evidently, although I try to set properties on the fake buildset,
those properties don't appear to be there once the real code is hit.

I'm sure I'm doing something silly somewhere... halp!

(Also, how is one supposed to do debug prints inside test cases?
I guess the answer is 'not'?  The best I've got is
        with open("/tmp/fake.log", 'a') as f:
            f.write("hello, world\n")
I'm guessing twisted.trial makes writing to log and stdout hard for a reason.)


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