[users at bb.net] REST API: specify properties when forcing a build

Jérôme Laheurte jerome at jeromelaheurte.net
Mon Feb 5 14:14:45 UTC 2018

I have a force scheduler with properties=[NestedParameter(name=« nest », fields=[…])] and I’d like to set the values of the properties in ‘nest’ when using the REST API. The base call looks like

curl -d ‘{« method »: « force », « owner »: « me at me.com <mailto:me at me.com> », « jsonrpc »: « 3.0 », « id »: 42, « params: {« username »: « me at me.com <mailto:me at me.com> »}}’ -X POST https://host/api/v2/forceschedulers/schedname <https://host/api/v2/forceschedulers/schedname>

I’ve tried adding various keys in the JSON, to no avail, and Google doesn’t help here.

Jérôme Laheurte

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