[users at bb.net] additional project advice please

Mike Dewhirst miked at dewhirst.com.au
Wed Oct 18 03:50:58 UTC 2017

I have been running for a long time with a single slave. It 
watches the necessary repo and when it detects a commit it blows away 
the staging server (on the same machine) and reassembles it from trunk 
and runs the unit tests. I could not be happier.

Now I want to commence a second completely separate project.

 From my reading of the excellent tutorial and docs it seems I 
just need to edit master.cfg to make a second builder  and a second 
scheduler which nominates a second slave. It needs to execute more or 
less the same set of build steps as the first one.

Is this a reasonable strategy?

Do I need to allocate a second set of ports?

Should I find a way to upgrade Buildbot to the current revision beforehand?

Thanks for any pointers



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