[users at bb.net] Git step does not use branch

David Weidenkopf dweidenkopf at uniumwifi.com
Tue Nov 28 02:16:39 UTC 2017


I have a git step that is supposed to result in the repo being at the HEAD
for a branch foo. I am passing the branch name foo, which should track
origin/foo, as the branch arg in the Git step. Also, the scheduler codebase
has the foo branch for repo bar specified. The codebase name bar is passed
as the codebase arg to the Git step. What I get is the repo says it is on
foo branch, but all it did according to the log is rename master to foo.
When I look at the source stamps on the debug tab for the builder, I see
that it does have the right repo and the branch is spelled correctly etc,
but the commit is not correct. (Confirms that all that happened was the
branch was renamed.)

Does anyone have any insight?

Buildbot version: 0.9.8
Twisted version: 17.1.0

Thanks in advance for any assistance

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