[users at bb.net] Getting source URL and revision in build step

Will Newton will.newton at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 11:49:34 UTC 2017


I'm new to buildbot and I think I am misunderstanding some part of how it works.

I have a change hook setup so Bitbucket can hit it and tell me when I
have a new revision to build.

I also have a bunch of build steps, the first of which is a repo step, e.g.:

factory.addStep(steps.Repo(manifestURL='', manifestBranch=''))

However the repo I am being notified about is the one I want to
checkout out, so what I really would like to do is:


But it doesn't seem like there is an obvious way to do this. I could
hardcode the URL reasonably but I absolutely require to be checking
out the correct branch/revision here.

Can anyone help me out with how I should structure this?


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