[users at bb.net] How to check worker?

Neil Gilmore ngilmore at grammatech.com
Fri Mar 31 14:51:50 UTC 2017

Hi Chris,

We do something similar, but not through cron (only our masters start 
through cron).

We have a builder (actually a couple for different sets of workers) that 
cycles through our workers and uses ssh to attempt to start them. If the 
worker is already running, we get back the usual warning about a twistd 
server already running.

Having a dictionary of workers and their directories also lets us do 
things like prepend the worker name to various builders easily. I don't 
think we have a case where a particular build would build on multiple 
workers -- we treat that as separate.

Because this process also establishes a consistent environment, we also 
NEVER start workers manually. We always let the builder do it. If one 
needs restarting, we kill it and let the builder start it next time around.

Neil Gilmore

On 3/31/2017 9:30 AM, Chris Spencer wrote:
> How do you check programmatically to see if a worker is running?
> My worker keeps getting sigkilled, and it's unclear why, so I'd like 
> to create a cron job to check to see if it's running, and if it's 
> stopped, to restart buildbot. However, buildbot-worker doesn't have a 
> `status
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