[users at bb.net] How to get sufficient content in Changes for filtering

Greg Bullock greg at nwra.com
Fri Jun 30 20:35:43 UTC 2017

Sorry.  I forgot to append this snippet from the master.cfg file:

trunk_sf_codechanged = SingleBranchScheduler(name = "trunk_sf_codechanged",
                                      change_filter = filter.ChangeFilter(
                                                         repository = 
"svn://kraken" if _hypersensitive_SVNPoller else 
                                                         branch = None,
codebase_re=re.compile(gpsii_src_dirs_pat, re.I),
                                                         #  -- Filtering 
with codebase_re didn't work because typical Changes
                                                         #     has empty 
codebase (and other) fields, e.g.,
                                                         # who=u'greg',
                                                         # branch=None,
comments=u"blah, blah, blah...",
                                                         # when=1498780626,
                                                         # category=None,
                                                         # project=u'',
                                                         # codebase=u'')
                                      treeStableTimer = 1 * 30 if 
_test_buildbot else 10 * 60,
                                      builderNames = all_gpsii_builders,

c['schedulers'] = [

from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNPoller
from twisted.python import log

# the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out
# about source code changes.

svn_nwra_mry_poller = SVNPoller(
                             svnurl       = "svn://kraken" if 
_hypersensitive_SVNPoller else "svn://kraken/trunk/sf_code",
                             svnuser      = "buildbot",
                             svnpasswd    = "buildbot",
                             svnbin       = 'C:/Program 
                             pollinterval = 1 * 60 if 
_hypersensitive_SVNPoller else 10 * 60,
                             pollAtLaunch = True,

c['change_source'] = [

On 6/30/2017 1:25 PM, Greg Bullock wrote:
> Using
> Buildbot version: 0.8.12
> Twisted version: 16.2.0
> I'd like to tweak the ChangeFilter(...) that's passed to the 
> SingleBranchScheduler(...) in my master.cfg so it schedules builds 
> only when files in specific folders change, as detected by a 
> SVNPoller(...).
> The simplest way, I think, would be to add set its codebase_re 
> parameter to a compiled regular expression (e.g., 
> codebase_re=re.compile(my_pattern, re.I)).
> Alas, this doesn't suffice because it seems that the Changes, as 
> displayed in twistd.log, don't have any useful information in the 
> codebase field nor many other fields. A typical excerpt from 
> twistd.log looks like
> 2017-05-03 16:16:07-0700 [-] Adding change revision 11107
> 2017-05-03 16:16:08-0700 [-] added change Change(revision=u'11107', 
> who=u'username', branch=None, comments=u"Some log information for this 
> revision", when=1493853367, category=None, project=u'', 
> repository=u'svn://kraken/trunk/sf_code', codebase=u'') to database
> 2017-05-03 16:16:08-0700 [-] SVNPoller: finished polling None
> I suspect this has to do with the split_file parameter of 
> SVNPoller(...). It's currently not set explicitly, so as I understand 
> it, the default is util.svn.split_file_alwaystrunk.
> A few questions:
> How to get some diagnostic information on the input and the output of 
> the SVNPoller's split_file function?
> How to get more content in the Changes(...)?
> How to diagnose why a ChangeFilter accepts or rejects a particular Change?
> -- 
> Greg Bullock
> NorthWest Research Associates
> 301 Webster St.
> Monterey, CA  93940
> (831) 582-4907
> greg at nwra.com
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Greg Bullock
NorthWest Research Associates
301 Webster St.
Monterey, CA  93940
(831) 582-4907
greg at nwra.com

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