[users at bb.net] Unknown component name: SecretsInAFile

Trevor Hook trevor.k.hook at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 9 16:01:55 UTC 2017

I'm attempting to set up a secret provider with Buildbot 0.9.10.

I've entered the following setting in my master.cfg file:

    c['secretsProviders'] = [util.SecretInAFile(dirname="my/path/way")]

Basically following the instructiins found at section of the current manual (http://docs.buildbot.net/current/manual/secretsmanagement.html).

When running check config I get the following message.

    error while parsing config file: Unknown component name: SecretInAFile

On this occasion I've installed Buildbot into a Python3 based virtualenv using pip install. Although I've tried the tarball method of installation into the virtualenv with the same results.

Did I need something else configured to make use of the secretsProviders?

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