[users at bb.net] Buildbot Hanging

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Thu Apr 6 14:29:52 UTC 2017

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 6:54 AM, Chris Spencer <chrisspen at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm continuing to see some strange issues with Buildbot hanging. I tried
> using a crontab to see if the worker or master had crashed and restart them,
> but it looks like they're still running just fine. Buildbot's even showing
> pending builds, but it's not ignoring them.
> If I manually restart them, it immediately begins working again, but I have
> no way to detect it being hung except to login and check if there are
> pending builds with nothing being processed.
> How do I diagnose and fix this?

I know the pain.  (On cygwin, with a very old twisted, I'm
seeing a hang very often at the end of the git step; twisted
is failing to notice its child has finished.  I have also seen
hangs on Linux, but not that one, and much less often.)

What OS, and versions of twisted and buildbot?

Can you get a backtrace from the hung worker?

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