[users at bb.net] More anecdotes.

Neil Gilmore ngilmore at grammatech.com
Thu Sep 29 14:28:50 UTC 2016

Hi Pierre,

As always, thanks for the reply.

Just to be perfectly clear, most of the recent troubles weren't with 
buildbot itself. It's more my unfamiliarity with the Python ecosystem. 
We are , for various reasons, building everything from source 
distributions. so docker or ansible isn't really what we're doing. What 
I have is a straight-up bash script. Not a great one, though.

Thanks for the ideas. Changing the name might work in the short run. Not 
a good long-term solution for us, as we have a specific naming 
convention to keep people from going crazy.

The problem in this case isn't that the worker won't start or complete 
builds, which isn't quite the usual problem. It's that we have a builder 
that claims 2 builds are in progress. The most recent is acquiring locks 
because the other builder on that worker is building. It's the one 
behind that that claims to still be building, even though it's obviously 

The same builder picked up the lock 2 builds in a row. I seem to recall 
you saying that's possible. In this case, we do need the output of the 
screwed-up builder, so I really can't wait for another 3-day build. 
Looks like it'll get moved to the alternate for now.

It's good to know that the problem is probably in the python rather than 
in the database.

Some figures from the impending multi-master move:
master 1:
   workers: 164
   builders: 355
   schedulers: 80
master 2:
   workers: 27
   builders: 87
   schedulers: 80
master 3:
   workers: 2
   builders: 6
   schedulers: 80
master 4:
   workers: 0
   builders: 0
   schedulers: 450

Masters 1 and 2 represent the two major divisions of labor that we have. 
Master 3 contains those builders that people notice and complain about 
most when they fail or are not present, even more than the ui. Master 4 
contains only the ui and force schedulers. Since you said that the 
schedulers behave regardless of how many masters they are on, I left 
them on all the masters. At some point, I expect to split master 1 up 
some. And I'll be providing guidance to those here who might want to set 
up a semi-private master for a specific project.

People here expect to see the UI on a specific URL, so I'll end up 
bringing up multi-master on its own, the reconfiguring to point the UI 
master to where it ought to be.


On 9/29/2016 3:54 AM, Pierre Tardy wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> Good to know your multimaster setup is nearly done!
> Indeed scripted multimaster would be great!
> docker-compose setup or ansible playbook would be perfect I think
> For the other part of the annecdote I think we are still chasing the 
> same bug right.
> At some point somehow, you got a worker that is in a bad state and 
> won't accept anymore build.
> The idea to move to master is a workaround indeed. Another one is to 
> change the name of the worker.
> Obviously the best long term option is to debug the problem, but it 
> does n't look like easy to reproduce nor to debug :-(
> hacking the database? naah.. dont. really.
> It wont even help as most likely the corrupted state is in the python 
> objects
> Pierre
> Le mer. 28 sept. 2016 à 22:33, Neil Gilmore <ngilmore at grammatech.com 
> <mailto:ngilmore at grammatech.com>> a écrit :
>     Hi everyone,
>     Congrats on rc4.
>     More anecdotes from rc1. I got tangled up a bit trying to get
>     multi-master working. I'm still not sure why all the parts would build
>     one day, then not the next (in this case, it was setuptools). Nor why
>     crossbar requires libffi to be installed on one machine but not the
>     other. Nor why SQLAlchemy will be downloaded and installed
>     automatically
>     but not psycopg2. These troubles seem to have straightened themselves
>     out, and I have multi-master buildbots in sandboxes on 2 different
>     machines. There's light at the end of the tunnel, I hope.
>     As side note, Pierre, I ended up scripting the whole install/build/run
>     thing. That may have to do for a tutorial.
>     I got asked for help with a builder. Seems it was taking inordinately
>     long to do a build, and the user tried cancelling, forcing, etc.
>     There's
>     3 builders for this worker. 1 doesn't use locks, but the other 2 do.
>     It's pretty common for our workers to have a builder that doesn't
>     lock,
>     and the rest do.
>     The current situation is that the build of the builder in question
>     shows
>     not 1, but 2 builds building. Sort of, the current build is shown as
>     acquiring locks. The older building build is clearly stalled.
>     The other builder for the worker is proceeding well (but its
>     builds take
>     about 3 days). Obviously, it was able to get the lock. But it has
>     started another build after finishing the first one. So it appears
>     that
>     it got the lock again before the original builder (unless there's
>     something else going on).
>     I also had a different worker's build stall, so I moved that worker to
>     our alternate master. Unfortunately, it's a trick that only works
>     once.
>     If I move it back, it'll still be stalled. Is there any way to
>     remove a
>     no longer active worker from the database? I tried once, but I
>     messed it
>     up and had to start with an empty database. I didn't try again.
>     Neil Gilmore
>     grammatech.com <http://grammatech.com>
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