[users at bb.net] 0.9.0rc2 and build with no steps.

Neil Gilmore ngilmore at grammatech.com
Thu Sep 8 19:52:48 UTC 2016

Hi Pierre,

On 9/8/2016 2:34 PM, Pierre Tardy wrote:
> Le jeu. 8 sept. 2016 à 18:25, Neil Gilmore <ngilmore at grammatech.com 
> <mailto:ngilmore at grammatech.com>> a écrit :
>     Hi Pierre,
>     Thanks for the quick reply.
> no problem, it is important for me to track all issues quickly as we 
> are coming very near the release.
>     I went over this again, and no steps was not the real problem. The
>     real problem was that we are creating a worker name that doesn't
>     exist. The other builders use the correct name, but this one
>     doesn't. I don't recall seeing any exceptions or logging related
>     to this, but I suppose I wouldn't, as the master doesn't know when
>     it starts up who might connect to it.
> What do you mean by worker  name that does not exist?
> Normally you cannot start the master if it has builder connected to 
> non-existant worker.
> https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/blob/master/master/buildbot/config.py#L825

I probably said that badly, or at least not clearly.

There's no technical problem with master.cfg, and this is not an error 
in buildbot.

What we have is a situation where there's no worker process that thinks 
it has a name that matches one in master.cfg.

We have a host that runs a worker. That worker has a workername in its 

We have a master whose master.cfg has a matching entry in c['workers'] 
that matches that name. We even have a builder that specifies that name, 
and it schedules and builds.

But someone created a c['workers'] entry with a different name, even 
though they didn't intend for it to be a different name (the process is 
indirect in our master.cfg). The different name is used by a builder. 
Nothing happens because the master is really waiting for a worker by 
that name to connect, which will never happen. I imagine that if I DID 
start up a worker process with this different name, the master would 
start having it do the build.

Neil Gilmore
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