[users at bb.net] Creating an alternate web interface

Ed Singleton singletoned at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 09:46:45 UTC 2016

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 6:58 PM, Greg MacDonald <gmacdonald at trionworlds.com>

> Hi Ed,
> I’m in a similar situation with work wanting to customize the UI and me
> not having much angular or javascript experience. My first idea was also to
> create a completely separate web. I made some progress querying the rest
> api but I started having issues. Then Pierre suggested I work within the
> given framework to take advantage of things like caching. So that’s what
> I’ve been doing since.

What issues did you have using the rest api?  I discovered it last night
and it seems to do what I want, though I haven't had much time to play with
it.  The docs aren't the easiest to work with, but from the data model, I
think I can work out what all the endpoints are.

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