[users at bb.net] Build Factory Selection Based on User Input

shyamchander guptha shyamchander01 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 10:31:06 UTC 2016

Hello All

I have two build factories ( Factory A , Factory B ) both can run on same
build slave i.e. Windows.

Factory A contains 15 steps and Factory B contains 18 Steps.

I need to run Factory A for trunk branch and Factory B for other branches.

Am using force build option in my current configuration , so user can
provide branch name as input before starting the build .

If user provides Branch value as “trunk” it should use Factory A  , for any
other branches it should use Factory B.  I do not want creating any
additional builders .

Is it a valid scenario , if yes example configuration.

Am using buildbot 0.8.8 and Twisted version 13.2.0

Best Regards,

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