[users at bb.net] build.complete always false?

Greg MacDonald gmacdonald at trionworlds.com
Thu Feb 4 19:26:20 UTC 2016

Hi Pierre, Thanks for taking a look. I’ll update to beta 6 shortly. Seems like maybe an accessor isn’t working or something. The correct value is in the instance.

Edited console output:

build:  BuildInstance { … complete: true …
build.complete:  false

Here’s my code. It’s a status progress button that sums up the progress from several  builders. Like all debug compile checks. Focus on the debug prints in onChange.

class _buildStatus extends Controller
    constructor: ($scope, $attrs, dataService, $log, RESULTS, $interval) ->
        $scope.builder = $attrs.builder
        $scope.name = $attrs.name
        $scope.status = 'unknown'
        $scope.pvalue = 0

        builders = $attrs.builders.split(',')

        data = dataService.open().closeOnDestroy($scope)

        estimates = {}
        pending = {}
        lastBuildResult = null

        arePending = ->
            for builderId, startedTimes of pending
                for startedTime in startedTimes
                    return true
            return false

        filterOutliers = (someArray) ->
            # Copy the values, rather than operating on references to existing values
            values = someArray.concat()
            # Then sort
            values.sort (a, b) ->
                a - b

            ### Then find a generous IQR. This is generous because if (values.length / 4)
            # is not an int, then really you should average the two elements on either
            # side to find q1.

            q1 = values[Math.floor(values.length / 4)]
            # Likewise for q3.
            q3 = values[Math.ceil(values.length * 3 / 4)]
            iqr = q3 - q1
            # Then find min and max values
            maxValue = q3 + iqr * 1.5
            minValue = q1 - (iqr * 1.5)
            # Then filter anything beyond or beneath these values.
            values.filter((x) -> x <= maxValue and x >= minValue)

        computeEstimate = ->
            if not arePending()

            totalElapsed = 0.0
            totalBuildTimes = 0.0
            nowTime = (Date.now() / 1000)

            totalPending = 0
            for builderId, startedTimes of pending
                estimatedBuildTime = estimates[builderId]
                if not estimatedBuildTime

                for startedTime in startedTimes
                    totalPending += 1
                    elapsedTime = nowTime - startedTime
                    totalElapsed += elapsedTime
                    totalBuildTimes += estimates[builderId]

            #$log.debug('totalPending: ' + totalPending)
            #$log.debug('totalElapsedTime: ' + totalElapsed)
            #$log.debug('totalBuildTimes: ' + totalBuildTimes)

            $scope.pvalue = Math.min(100, Math.round((totalElapsed / totalBuildTimes) * 100))

            #$log.debug('pvalue: ' + $scope.pvalue)

        intervalPromise = null
        updateState = ->
            if intervalPromise != null
                intervalPromise = null

            if arePending()
                $scope.status = 'active'
                intervalPromise = $interval (->
                    ), 1000, 0, true
            else if lastBuildResult != null
                if lastBuildResult != RESULTS.SUCCESS
                    $scope.status = 'failure'
                    $scope.status = 'success'
                $scope.status = 'unknown'

        for builder in builders
            data.getBuilders(name: builder, limit:1).onNew = (builder) ->
                builderBuildTimes = []
                filteredBuilderBuildTimes = []
                pending[builder.builderid] = []

                xs = data.getBuilds(builderid: builder.builderId, complete: true, order: '-buildid', limit:500)
                xs.onNew = (build) ->
                    builderBuildTimes.push(build.complete_at - build.started_at)
                    filteredBuilderBuildTimes = filterOutliers(builderBuildTimes)
                    if filteredBuilderBuildTimes.length > 0
                        averageBuildTime = (filteredBuilderBuildTimes.reduce (x, y) -> x + y) / filteredBuilderBuildTimes.length
                        estimates[builder.builderid] = averageBuildTime

                ys = data.getBuilds(builderid: builder.builderid, order: '-buildid', complete: false)
                ys.onNew = (build) ->
                ys.onChange = (builds) ->
                    pending[builder.builderid] = []
                    for build in builds
                        $log.debug('build: ', build)
                        $log.debug('build.complete: ', build.complete)

                        if build.state_string == 'finished'

                zs = data.getBuilds(builderid: builder.builderId, order: '-buildid', limit:1)
                zs.onNew = (build) ->
                    lastBuildResult = build.results
                zs.onChange = (builds) ->
                    for build in builds
                        lastBuildResult = build.results

From: Pierre Tardy [mailto:tardyp at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 10:41 AM
To: Greg MacDonald; users at buildbot.net
Subject: Re: [users at bb.net] build.complete always false?

Hi Greg,

I think you should share your controller code in order for me to see how you use the data-module.
You should also probably update to beta6 as there as been a number of fixes in the data-module, and UI.

Le mer. 3 févr. 2016 à 20:37, Greg MacDonald <gmacdonald at trionworlds.com<mailto:gmacdonald at trionworlds.com>> a écrit :
Hi Everyone,

I’m having a strange problem with the complete property of a BuildInstance in coffeescript. I’ve registered for on change messages for a build collection, which works great. The only problem is, inside the onChange(build) method I’m always getting false for build.complete, but if I $log.debug the build object itself I can drill down and see that complete is set to true. Other members are fine, like build.number and build.state_string. typeof build.complete is a Boolean.

I’m running through the gulp proxy. And I’m running relatively recent code, I haven’t updated to beta 6 yet though.  I’m not sure if that matters. Any ideas?


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