[users at bb.net] HOWTO pull build logic from project

Stefan Seefeld stefan at seefeld.name
Tue Apr 26 22:05:34 UTC 2016


I'm trying to figure out whether it's possible for a buildbot instance
to fetch a project-specific build logic from the project's source tree,
rather than hard-coding it into the buildmaster's configuration.

In fact, I'm setting up a buildbot instance for a project that's hosted
on github and which already uses travis-ci for some platforms. I very
much like the idea to keep the build logic in the project itself (e.g.,
as .travis.yml), so I can update it with the rest of the code, without
having to reconfigure the CI infrastructure.

Is anything like this possible with BuildBot ?

(I just discovered https://github.com/isotoma/buildbot_travis, but it's
not clear to me how this works.)



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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