[users at bb.net] Capability system

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Fri Apr 1 18:12:41 UTC 2016

I'm happy to work on nine :-)

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Georges Racinet <gracinet at anybox.fr> wrote:
> On 04/01/2016 06:43 PM, Dan Kegel wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Georges Racinet <gracinet at anybox.fr> wrote:
>>>> Now for our own sake, I will separate from our actual build definitions in a
>>>> git repo of its own, and see if I can make nice examples based on meta
>>>> buidbot and SimpleConfig use-cases.
>>> So, here it is : https://github.com/anybox/anybox.buildbot.capability
>>> As it's been said before, it's a system to declare "capabilities" on
>>> workers, and spawn automatically builders according to requirements or
>>> multiplication (build_for) directives. This is "static" because this happens
>>> at buildmaster startup or reconfiguration time. There's a full explanation
>>> at http://docs.anybox.fr/anybox.buildbot.capability/master
>>> ...
>>> Also, I've taken a look at contrib/SimpleConfig.py, but its examples don't
>>> seem to be a good match to display the multiplication feature, because the
>>> build variants are based on arbitrary tags, not on versions (there's an
>>> example with workers having two Ubuntu versions, but no build uses both of
>>> them if I got it right). Those examples could be rewritten using the
>>> filtering requirements, but that actually makes it less simple.
>> We're using SimpleConfig.py; I recently ported it forward to 0.8.12.
>> (Our master.json is 2748 lines :-)
>> Its tags are not quite flexible enough, so I'm mulling improving it to
>> meet our current use cases.
>> If/when I do, maybe it'll be a better match for your capability
>> system, I'll see if I can fit them together.
>> (No promises about when :-(  )
> ah, btw, I did the whole porting to 0.9 terminology (workers) and
> imports (plugins), but since this is after all extracted from 0.8 code,
> it wouldn't be hard to have an "eight" branch, just a matter of
> reverting some commits, I believe
> Don't hesitate to wave if/when you do, if I'm around (bif if) I'll help.
> --
> Georges Racinet
> Anybox SAS, http://anybox.fr
> Téléphone: +33 6 51 32 07 27
> GPG: 0x33AB0A35, sur serveurs publics

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