[users at bb.net] web ui dev env setup

Pierre Tardy tardyp at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 12:18:45 UTC 2015

Hi greg,

codeparameter and nestedexample are good starting point to develop a new
1) need to ensure your setup.py is up to date if you changed the name of
the plugin
2) You need to ensure it has first been installed in the masters sandbox.
It should be done at least once.
    pip install -e .
    This will register the plugin to the python system, so that the master
sees it
3) you shall use "gulp dev" for developing

Sounds weird that the mast died without any logs.
you can try to run it with
twistd -ny master/buildbot.tac
and a buildbot.tac which outputs to stdout:

import os

from twisted.application import service
from buildbot.master import BuildMaster

# setup master
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
configfile = 'master.cfg'

# Default umask for server
umask = None

# note: this line is matched against to check that this is a buildmaster
# directory; do not edit it.
application = service.Application('buildmaster')
import sys

from twisted.python.log import ILogObserver, FileLogObserver

application.setComponent(ILogObserver, FileLogObserver(sys.stdout).emit)

m = BuildMaster(basedir, configfile, umask)

Le mer. 25 nov. 2015 à 01:58, Greg MacDonald <gmacdonald at trionworlds.com> a
écrit :

> I’m trying to setup a dev environment for adding a new plugin to the web
> page. I’ve got the default web page running in non-minified mode like the
> docs say and I’m able to build it with gulp prod –notests. But when I try
> to start up the master it says it can’t find the plugin. I see scripts.js
> output in the expected place. I noticed the makefile has pip install –e
> command, which I tried but then the master wouldn’t start up at all (died
> without error logs). Is there a step I’m missing? Should it work after gulp
> prod –notests and maybe I’ve got a configuration wrong? Any thoughts are
> appreciated. Thx.
> -Greg
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