[users at bb.net] Buildbot on windows Virutal machines

honas grael honasgraeymael at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 23:34:24 UTC 2015

I recently came across buildbot and have now joined the mailing list :) . I
am trying to get to grips with it to help setup my own CI server, I'd like
to try it out to do builds and execute tests. It looks amazing.
I am quite new to setting up CI so apologies for asking rather basic
questions so here goes

   - Does buildbot work well on windows?
   - Are there any tutorials that would help me get it setup on a windows

The scenario that I have in mind is to have the buildmaster on my desktop
machine (running windows 7). I would also like to install a buildslave onto
a virtualmachine, the virtualmachine will also be windows 7(that way I can
use one piece of hardware and run multiple VMs if necessary). The idea
would be:

   - The build master to run a number of custom scripts that would pull
   code & tests from the source repository.
   - The build master(installed on the host) would then run a number of
   custom scripts to do the build(for distribution/deployment to slaves
   running in VMs on the host) the resulting executable(assuming the build
   -  Then the build master would instruct the build slave (installed in
   the VM) to execute tests against the executable that the build master made.
   - The build slave would then place its test results in a shared folder
   accessible to both the host and the VM for the purpose of displaying test

bearing in mind that I have no experience with buildbot, katana or any
automated CI framework.

Is it possible to do all this in a Windows ONLY environment?

Is it possible to have the build master on the host while the build slave
in a virtual machine?

Is it possible to get the build master to spin up the VM(which has the
buildslave) and then let the buildslave do the build and execute tests, and
get the build slave report that it has completed testing so that the build
master can shut down the VM?

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