[users at bb.net] Configuring to test all Git branches

Chris Spencer chrisspen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 21:54:21 UTC 2015

Hi, I'm new to Buildbot and I'm researching it to see if it'll fit into my
dev workflow.

I have unittests that take about 45 minutes to complete. They're a mix of
Django and Selenium tests which get run against multiple client
configurations. Since they take so long to run, I want to automate the
process as much as possible.

I have a small dev team, and all work is done through Git branches. I'd
like to configure Buildbot so that whenever someone pushes a change to a
"primary" Git repo on Bitbucket, Buildbot will:

1. Checkout the branch.
2. Create a separate Python virtualenv for that branch (and do nothing if a
pip-requirements.txt was not changed since the last run for this branch)
3. Install system packages from an apt-requirements.txt (just a list of
standard Ubuntu packages).
4. Run Django's `manage.py test <list of apps>` to run all tests, and email
the branch's last committer if an error occurred.
5. If another commit is made while the tests are running, the ongoing tests
should be aborted, and restarted.
6. Publish the test results in a Jira ticket associated with the branch.

Is this something that's within Buildbot's wheelhouse? I'm reading through
the intro docs now, but I'm not finding anything about setting it up to
poll and test every single branch in your repo.

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