[devel at bb.net] GSOC 2019 project: Improvements of Buildbot views (@ MacPorts)

Mojca Miklavec mojca at macports.org
Tue May 7 13:41:06 UTC 2019

Dear buildbotters :),

I'm one of the mentors at the MacPorts organisation and I'm happy to
announce that (in particular thanks to Pierre and Povilas) we'll be
co-mentoring Rajdeep Bharati with his Google Summer of Code project,
aiming at various improvements of the buildbot views, trying to serve
both MacPorts and other projects using Buildbot.

Here is the project summary
and a longer mailing list thread can be found under

I'm grateful that Pierre and Povilas offered extensive help to allow
this somewhat "multidisciplinary" project to happen.

Please welcome the student and feel free to provide any feedback or
suggestions during the summer (the "summer" starts now :).

I'm not yet sure where most of the communication is about to take
place. One option would be to shortly discuss today on IRC during
the usual buildbot meeting (at 16:00 UTC on #buildbot on freenode).

Thank you,

PS: http://trac.buildbot.net/wiki/Meetings which is the first google
hit when searching for the buildbot irc meeting seems to have outdated

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