[devel at bb.net] "trial buildbot_worker.test" works under Python 3.5

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at crodrigues.org
Mon Jan 16 18:50:19 UTC 2017


I was able to get the following to work under Python 3.5:

# Create the virtual env
python3 -m venv myenv-py3
# Source the virtual env
. myenv-py3/bin/activate
# print python version
which python
python --version
git clone https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot buildbot3_test
cd buildbot3_test
pip install -e pkg
pip install -e 'master[tls,test]'
pip install -e worker
trial buildbot_worker.test

So "trial buildbot_worker.test" seems to work under Python 3.5.

However, "trial buildbot.test" still fails under Python 3.5.

Please provide feedback.

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