[devel at bb.net] [users at bb.net] Another anecdote from 0.9.2 scheduler modification.

Pierre Tardy tardyp at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 17:49:27 UTC 2017

Hi Neil,

Le lun. 16 janv. 2017 à 17:07, Neil Gilmore <ngilmore at grammatech.com> a
écrit :

> Hi Pierre,
> Now you understand my pain :) (except that I had to also come up to speed
> on how everything worked).
Indeed. I feel bad for not realizing that before :-}

> My single run against the unit tests produced a lot of failures, but I
> haven't gotten back to it to figure out if the tests were just old, or if
> there was something else going on.
> Your method sounds like less work. I'll look into it for the schedulers.

Please see implementation in the pull request:

I know you will be wanting to backport that to your fork (even if I don't
really approve :) )

The relevant parts you need for schedulers are:

> In the meantime, I'll probably just have to hack reconfiguration for now,
> and replace it when there's a replacement. It is biting us that much. Our
> master.cfg changes nearly every day, sometimes more, and we far too often
> run into situations where the changes land a builder onto an existing
> scheduler.

Please try my own hack first and let me know if this works for you.

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