[devel at bb.net] 0.8.x?

Ryan Schmidt buildbot at ryandesign.com
Wed Jan 4 06:39:38 UTC 2017

On Jan 3, 2017, at 11:06, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> What's the plan for 0.8.x releases?  I know we had a mix-up with
> 0.8.14 and there wree plans, months ago, to release a p1.  Does that
> still make sense?  Or should we just consider the branch closed?

I for one hope there will still be another 0.8 release as had been planned, and additional 0.8 releases as might be necessary to fix problems that are found. I run the MacPorts project's buildbot 0.8 system and I don't plan to upgrade to 0.9.

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