[devel at bb.net] Steps for setting up Python 3 environment for running buildbot tests

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at crodrigues.org
Wed Feb 1 06:21:41 UTC 2017


I'm new to buildbot development, but I thought I would share
the steps I have been using to test and fix Python 3 errors in builbot.

# Create the virtualenv
export VENV=$PWD/env-3.6
export ROOT=$PWD/work
python3 -m venv $VENV
. $VENV/bin/activate
mkdir -p $ROOT
# Checkout latest Twisted and install develop version
git clone https://github.com/twisted/twisted $ROOT/twisted
cd $ROOT/twisted
python setup.py develop
# Checkout latest Buildbot and install
git clone https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot $ROOT/buildbot
cd $ROOT/buildbot
pip install -e pkg
pip install -e worker
pip install -e 'master[tls,test]'
# Run the tests on worker
trial --reporter=bwverbose --rterrors buildbot_worker.test
# Run the tests on master
trial --reporter=bwverbose --rterrors buildbot.test

I may have missed some configuration items,
but I've gotten pretty far with these steps!! :)

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