[devel at bb.net] worker transition: changes to buildbot/plugins/db.py

Mikhail Sobolev mss at mawhrin.net
Wed Mar 30 16:48:41 UTC 2016


(This is mainly for Vladimir Rutsky, but I'd apprecite input from others as

Background: I do not expect Buildbot master to be installed for running unit
test cases, however it seems that now we require that (yes, this was a
requirement in some other parts of Buildbot, but not for master).

I'm looking at the changes to buildbot/plugins/db.py and I do not really
understand what exactly it aims to achieve.

I'd appreciate some high level description of the functionality added.

What I see is a number of classes added (which do not initialise their parents)
and then a number of [muted] accesses to supposedly private members.


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