[Buildbot-devel] GSoC: Initial thoughts on the Graphs and Data Charts Project

Benoît Allard benoit.allard at greenbone.net
Tue Mar 17 14:59:42 UTC 2015

Hi Prasoon

On 03/17/2015 03:17 PM, Prasoon Shukla wrote:
> 2. How will we collect, say, the number of skipped tests?
> Dustin wrote:
>> Overall, I see the configuration looking something like
>> c['services'].append(
>>   InfluxDbInjector(
>>     influxUrl="...",
>>     trackBuildTimes=True,
>>     trackStepTimes=['compile', 'test'],
>>     trackProperties=['lint_warnings', 'test_skips']
>>   ))
> Similarly, how will we track the number of linter warnings?

I don't think you should worry to much about those, the different
buildbot steps already do their best to extract some valuable
information, and I would let them do that like they do for the moment.
Those steps put those values into 'properties', and each build has a set
of 'properties'. That's where you should read the value and send them to
that InfluxDb instance.

TL;DR: Those values are already there, just read them, and send them to
the right socket.


Benoît Allard (B30A05B0)|Greenbone Networks GmbH|http://greenbone.net
Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany | AG Osnabrück, HR B 202460
Executive Directors: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner

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