[Buildbot-devel] Ignoring offline builders/slaves

Jason Edgecombe jason at rampaginggeek.com
Fri Mar 13 01:20:50 UTC 2015


You're correct in that we have a 1:1 builder-to-slave mapping. The 
slaves are run by volunteers using hosts at various sites that donate 
the compute time and resources of the slaves. We don't have enough 
slaves to be redundant, and the load doesn't really require it.

Yes, when using the summaryCB option in GerritStatusPush, buildbot waits 
for all builds to finish/fail/cancel before the status update is pushed 
out to Gerrit. We're using summaryCB because a single aggregated gerrit 
status update (Verified=+1/Verified=0) is preferred.

If a builder is down, then every new/pending change must be cancelled on 
the off-line builder.


On 03/11/2015 11:27 PM, Charles Lepple wrote:
> Vitali,
> If I am not mistaken, canStartBuild is for selecting one slave out of many assigned to a given builder.
> The configuration that Jason posted seems to have a 1:1 mapping of builders to slaves.
> Jason,
> I am not familiar with how the Gerrit summary works. If you cancel a pending build when a slave is down, does it continue to wait for another build for that change?
> - Charles
> On Mar 11, 2015, at 8:52 PM, Vitali Lovich <vlovich at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Look at canStartBuild.  It gives you slaves, build request etc.  You can get the botmaster from the builder & use it to see if the buildslave is online, idle, busy, etc.
>> -Vitali

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