[Buildbot-devel] Self Introduction and interest

Arnold Tagne arnoldtagne at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 12:37:01 UTC 2015

Hello All,
I am Arnold Chuenffo from the University of Buea, Cameroon and i am
interested to contribute to your project.

I would like to thank the organization developers for their clean work
and creative ideas.
I am really motivated to join gsoc 2015 under Buildbot organization and i
am interested in the ticket "#2649" with idea "i18n -- Internationalization"
I am interrested in this idea because I have AngularJS and Web experience.

I am currently cloning the project. Please where can i get easy bugs to get
familiar with the code base.

Arnold Chuenffo
Microsoft Student Partner,
University of Buea.
Tel: +23799662415
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