[Buildbot-devel] triggering a build on a particular slave

Pierre Tardy tardyp at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 16:43:34 UTC 2015

Hi vitali,

You can achive that by setting a "allowed_slave" property in your trigger
step, and customize a "canStartBuild" callback of your builder

Le Wed Jan 28 2015 at 5:14:42 PM, Vitali Lovich <vlovich at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi,
> I’m trying to set something up but I’m not sure if it’s possible (or
> perhaps there’s a better suggestion).
> I’m trying to create a generic trigger step & then have a project fire a
> trigger N times.  I have that part working.
> The part I’m trying to solve is that sometimes I want to restrict the set
> of slaves for a particular trigger.
> In other words, a project might say “trigger a build with this property &
> restrict it to machine X”.
> Background:
> I have a post-merge build that checks out master & queries it for the next
> steps to run.
> This triggers a generic step that does the same except it gives the
> project back the parameters it gave from the query.
> The idea is that I can run N post-merge tasks that are parallelized.
> For example, it might be requested to run very expensive regression tests
> as well as build & tests in a deployment environment.
> The idea is the project can request an arbitrary list of tasks.  The
> expensive regression test we want to limit to a particular machine whereas
> all the other steps we can just grab from the pool of available slaves.
> Thanks,
> Vitali
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