[Buildbot-devel] How can source rev be overridden for SVN build step

Ladyofthe Maple dianemaple76 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 05:13:58 UTC 2015

The docs say that the build steps use the got_revision property but, really it looks at the change message that was sent from the svn server.I tried to subclass SVN and replace the startVC function but, I ended up with an error about it not being renderable.
My issue is the same as some I think... I have two repositories.I buildbot is sent a change for one and the other need to also be checked out.I can't find a way to check out an alternate version without having a subversion username and password shown in the buildbot output OR I have to hide the entire step which makes it look like the buildbot is not doing anything while it is performing the second checkout via a shell command.
Can someone please provide a work around / solution?
I tried something along the lines of (from memory at the moment so not correct i know)Please tell me what I'm doing wrong or give a proper method.
class mySVN(SVN)  def _init_(self, revision=None, args**)      self.my_revision=revision      SVN.startVC = self.my_startVC      SVN.__init__(args**)  def my_startVC(self, branch, revision, ...)      ... Then I copied the function from SVN but for the revision arg I set it to be self.my_revision
Thank you for any help or ideas.
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