[Buildbot-devel] GSoC: provide forward compatibility for Python 3

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Tue Apr 28 23:58:57 UTC 2015

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, there were several proposals for
this particular project.  We have selected Jørn's as the strongest,
and he will be working on this project over the summer.

Congratulations to Jørn -- this isn't going to be easy, but we have
the whole summer ahead!

To all of the other students vying for this project, I'm sorry we
couldn't accept everyone.  You are encouraged to pitch in over the
summer, if you have time -- I'm sure there will be lots of porting to
do.  Buildbot strongly favors students who have been involved with the
project before the proposals are due, so this will give you a leg up
for next year.  In fact, two of the other proposals accepted this year
are by students who we have known for well over a year.


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