[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot Nine (was Re: Looking for suggestions (TrySchedulers - Buildbot 0.9))

Pierre Tardy tardyp at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 16:57:49 UTC 2015

Le mer. 22 avr. 2015 à 09:57, Pierre Tardy <tardyp at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Ok,
> Then you have same problem as me.

I was hoping this was just a mac thing, as nobody reported the problem yet.

> You just have to hit enter when this hangs.
> I still cannot find why this happens, but some component tries to read the
> stdin at some point.
> I need to dig more on why this happens.
> Le mer. 22 avr. 2015 à 05:41, Francesco Di Mizio <
> francescodimizio at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I've tried again on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
>> What I did:
>> curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_0.12 | sudo bash -
>> sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
>> node --version
>>      v0.12.2
>> npm --version
>>      2.7.4
>> sudo npm install -g gulp
>> git clone git://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git
>> virtualenv sandbox
>> source sandbox/bin/activate
>> cd buildbot
>> pip install --editable pkg
>> pip install --editable master/
>> make frontend
>> It goes for a while until it hangs after *Finished 'prod' after 6.43 μs*
>> (sandbox)buildbot at ops-buildbot-ubuntu-server:~/buildbot$ sudo make
>> frontend
>> pip install -e pkg
>> Obtaining file:///home/buildbot/buildbot/pkg
>>   Running setup.py (path:/home/buildbot/buildbot/pkg/setup.py) egg_info
>> for package from file:///home/buildbot/buildbot/pkg
>> Installing collected packages: buildbot-pkg
>>   Running setup.py develop for buildbot-pkg
>>     Creating /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/buildbot-pkg.egg-link
>> (link to .)
>>     buildbot-pkg 0.9.0 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
>>     Installed /home/buildbot/buildbot/pkg
>> Successfully installed buildbot-pkg
>> Cleaning up...
>> pip install mock
>> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mock in
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
>> Cleaning up...
>> for i in www/*/; do pip install -e $i ; done
>> Obtaining file:///home/buildbot/buildbot/www/base
>>   Running setup.py (path:/home/buildbot/buildbot/www/base/setup.py)
>> egg_info for package from file:///home/buildbot/buildbot/www/base
>>     npm install
>>     npm WARN package.json buildbot-www@ No description
>>     npm WARN package.json buildbot-www@ No repository field.
>>     npm WARN package.json buildbot-www@ No README data
>>     /home/buildbot/buildbot/www/base/node_modules/.bin/gulp prod --notests
>>     [12:36:06] Bower: Using cwd:  /home/buildbot/buildbot/www/base
>>     [12:36:06] Bower: Using bower dir:  libs
>>     [12:36:06] Using gulpfile ~/buildbot/www/base/gulpfile.js
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'default'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'bower'...
>>     [12:36:06] Finished 'bower' after 57 ms
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'scripts'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'styles'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'fonts'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'imgs'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'index'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'tests'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'generatedfixtures'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'fixtures'...
>>     [12:36:06] Starting 'copyd3'...
>>     [12:36:07] Finished 'generatedfixtures' after 463 ms
>>     [12:36:07] Finished 'fixtures' after 468 ms
>>     [12:36:07] Finished 'index' after 519 ms
>>     [12:36:07] Finished 'copyd3' after 493 ms
>>     [12:36:07] Finished 'imgs' after 801 ms
>>     [12:36:08] Finished 'styles' after 2.21 s
>>     [12:36:09] Finished 'fonts' after 2.41 s
>>     [12:36:09] Finished 'tests' after 2.82 s
>>     [12:36:29] Finished 'scripts' after 22 s
>>     [12:36:29] Starting 'notests'...
>>     [12:36:29] Finished 'notests' after 23 μs
>>     [12:36:29] Finished 'default' after 22 s
>>     [12:36:29] Starting 'prod'...
>>     [12:36:29] Finished 'prod' after 6.43 μs
>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:39 AM, Pierre Tardy <tardyp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> We have the automated rebuild of the wheels that looks offline for some
>>> reason:
>>> http://buildbot.buildbot.net/builders/builds
>>> I just tried to rebuild on my dev machine from scratch, and it works.
>>> I use those versions of npm/node:
>>> 0 % npm  --version
>>> 2.5.1
>>>   ~
>>> 0 % node --version
>>> v0.12.0
>>> Le mar. 21 avr. 2015 à 15:02, Francesco Di Mizio <
>>> francescodimizio at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> If it can be of any help following is an example error I am getting
>>>> wheh running "make frontend":
>>>> npm WARN unmet dependency which is version 2.3.2
>>>>     npm WARN unmet dependency
>>>> /home/XXXXX/buildbot/www/base/node_modules/guanlecoja/node_modules/karma-coverage/node_modules/istanbul/node_modules/js-yaml/node_modules/argparse
>>>> requires lodash@'>= 3.2.0 < 4.0.0' but will load
>>>>     npm WARN unmet dependency
>>>> /home/XXXXX/buildbot/www/base/node_modules/guanlecoja/node_modules/lodash,
>>>>     npm WARN unmet dependency which is version 2.4.1
>>>>     /home/XXXXX/buildbot/www/base/node_modules/.bin/gulp prod --notests
>>>>     unable to execute
>>>> '/home/XXXXX/buildbot/www/base/node_modules/.bin/gulp': No such file or
>>>> directory
>>>>     error: command
>>>> '/home/XXXXX/buildbot/www/base/node_modules/.bin/gulp' failed with exit
>>>> status 1
>>>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Francesco Di Mizio <
>>>> francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for being a pain. As you know I've been using Nine for quite a
>>>>> while ending up having a solid buildbot setup.
>>>>> Today I was deploying a new server and realized I am no longer able to
>>>>> install it. I am quite scared. I also failed to install without the wheel
>>>>> following the usual
>>>>> http://docs.buildbot.net/latest/developer/www.html#hacking-quick-start
>>>>> Having troubles with npm, nodejs and the like. Tryied on both Debian
>>>>> and Ubuntu.
>>>>> Also jumping back to Eight is no longer an option as I am using some
>>>>> features only present in Nine.
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Francesco Di Mizio <
>>>>> francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Just thought I would let you notice autobuilds have not happended in
>>>>>> a long time.
>>>>>> http://buildbot.buildbot.net/builders/builds
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Francesco Di Mizio <
>>>>>> francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Mikhail,
>>>>>>> thank for your interest.
>>>>>>> Eventually I managed to get something running. The problem was
>>>>>>> something related to permissions I think.
>>>>>>> I just did everything from scrath making sure to use sudo wherever I
>>>>>>> could.
>>>>>>> Only problem now is that teh waterfall doesn't show up, the link is
>>>>>>> actually missing,
>>>>>>> "make frontend" says all good, installing succesfully all the 4
>>>>>>> plugins under  www/, thus even www/waterfall/
>>>>>>> Any idea why this would be happening?
>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Mikhail Sobolev <mss at mawhrin.net>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Francesco,
>>>>>>>> I'm sorry to hear that you have troubles installing master.
>>>>>>>> Pierre strongly suggested we fix automatic builds of wheels for the
>>>>>>>> corresponding components and today I finally fixed it:
>>>>>>>>     http://buildbot.buildbot.net/builders/builds/builds/12
>>>>>>>> and the automatically built wheels are available at
>>>>>>>>     http://ftp.buildbot.net/pub/latest/
>>>>>>>> Just for the sake of making sure things work Ok, I tried and
>>>>>>>> succeeded
>>>>>>>> installing it on FreeBSD and on a Debian machines (without using
>>>>>>>> the above
>>>>>>>> mentioned wheels).  I followed the instructions at
>>>>>>>> http://docs.buildbot.net/latest/developer/www.html#hacking-quick-start
>>>>>>>> where the only "hack" I needed on my Debian machine was creating a
>>>>>>>> symlink to
>>>>>>>> make 'node' available:
>>>>>>>>     $ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Misha
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