[Buildbot-devel] Multiple upstreams for Dependent scheduler
Dustin J. Mitchell
dustin at v.igoro.us
Wed Oct 1 02:12:55 UTC 2014
My talk at RELENG2013 was about something very similar to this:
Basically, Buildbot's pretty good at *branching* control flow, but
less good at *joining* control flow. The general case is complicated
by things like build request merging and relative vs. absolute
sourcestamps. The "flock" idea is, I think, the most general that's
been proposed, and would use query expressions to evaluate when to
start each job in the flock.
But all of that doesn't help too much in your specific case, Dan. It
might be best to build a scheduler that meets your needs, involving
watching for buildrequest completion and using some of the same logic
that you are currently using in your head.
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Ian Zimmerman <itz at buug.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:14:34 -0700,
> Dan Kegel <dank at kegel.com> wrote:
> Dan> Our buildbot has C++ projects which subclass each other, like this:
> Dan> libBase libDerived (subclasses libBase) app (instantiates objects
> Dan> of classes Base and Derived) Each of these are in their own git
> Dan> repo and have their own builder with a SingleBranchScheduler and a
> Dan> ForceScheduler.
> I remember facing something like this once, and I dealt with it in the
> configuration - building a complete dependency graph, topologically
> ordering it, and setting up the buildbot triggers from the resulting
> order.
> I agree that it feels like it belongs in the buildbot engine.
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