[Buildbot-devel] Interested in gsoc idea : Full Integration for User Support

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Tue Mar 11 02:11:36 UTC 2014

  BuildSlave("example-slave", "pass")
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 3:19 PM, varun sharma <varunsharmalive at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am very much interested in implementing gsoc idea "Full Integration for
> User Support" this summer for buildbot and i have been going through
> buildbot documentation from last couple of days. I have 2 years of
> experience with django and python.

Wonderful - welcome!

> There are few queries regarding the
> project than i want to ask:
> 1. Is it preferred to solve the "relevant bugs" given on the ideas page
> below the project before i submit the application or i can choose from any
> of the bugs on tracker ?

The relevant bugs are part of the project itself.  It would be
wonderful if you fixed one or more of those bugs before GSoC began,
but this is by no means necessary.  Instead,
http://trac.buildbot.net/tags?q=%27simple%27 gives a list of bugs that
may be easier for a newcomer to Buildbot to work on.  Submitting a
patch for one of those bugs will show that you understand the process
of submitting patches via Github, which will be an important part of
your work during the summer.

> 2. In ticket #956 (http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/956)   in last comment
> jaredgrubb says than adding a new mode like "forced" won't help much and he
> suggested a fix by doing some changes to isMailNeeded function, but for that
> too we have to add a new mode to possible_modes.

Actually, that was dcoshea's suggestion.  In this context, the mode
describes the change in the builder status, which is separate from
what caused the build to occur.  So I think that those two things
should be tracked separately, and the MailNotifier's configuration
expanded to support deciding whether to send a mail on either or both
attributes.  dcoshea's suggestion to do this with a predicate function
is a good one, although every time we add functions to Buildbot's
interface we come to regret it later, when we want to change the type
of one of its parameters.

> 3. I installed buildbot slave for one of the open source project i have been
> working on at http://dev.sharmalabs.com:8010 . How can i add multiple slaves
> to the same master ?

Great!  You can do that by adding multiple BuildSlave instances in c['slaves']:

c['slaves'] = [
  BuildSlave("example-slave", "pass"),
  BuildSlave("another-slave", "otherpass"),

Then configure example-slave to connect with password 'pass' and
another-slave to connect with password 'otherpass'.

I see you worked on Postorius last year. I think you'll find that
Mailman and Buildbot have a lot in common: both are working to
overcome some old design decisions that are no longer appropriate, and
both are getting badly needed overhauls of their web interfaces.


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