[Buildbot-devel] Step fails only under Buildbot

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sat Mar 8 13:23:33 UTC 2014

Signal 11 can be really tricky to track down, too.  It might depend on
something as trivial as the length of an unrelated string that shifts the
memory allocation pattern slightly.

If you can reliably reproduce it within the Buildbot environment, then
reproducing outside that environment may not provide you with much more
information.  Using debugging mallocs or adding debugging information as
others have suggested may be a better approach.  The risk is that even
these changes will make the failure go away.

If that happens, fuzzing is also an option - running repeatedly with
randomized inputs until failure.

On Mar 7, 2014 3:06 PM, "Mihai Martalogu" <mihai at martalogu.com> wrote:

> Depending on how you launch the buildbot slave, you might not have the
> same environment as on the CLI. In our setup, we use an @reboot rule in the
> crontab for launching the buildslave process, and by default it doesn't
> have any of the variables set in .bash_profile or .bashrc (I'm assuming
> you're using bash).
> We work around the issue by setting any custom variables we need in our
> .bash_profile, and launching the buildslave in the crontab via a "bash -l",
> which will load the .bash_profile. Like that the environment is consistent
> across buildbot/cli. If you use .bashrc, it's a bit more complicated (but
> doable).
> Good luck,
> Mihai
> On Friday, March 7, 2014, Na'Tosha Bard <natosha at unity3d.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 2014 8:19 PM, "Bob Hood" <bhood2 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > On 3/7/2014 11:21 AM, Na'Tosha Bard wrote:
>> >>
>> >> 2014-03-07 18:35 GMT+01:00 Bob Hood <bhood2 at comcast.net>:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Any suggestions on how to figure out why the process fails when run
>> under
>> >>> Buildbot but not from the CLI?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Try running it from the CLI inside the buildbot virtual environment.
>>  I've had problems in the past with, for example, how Python upper-cases
>> environment variable names.
>> >
>> >
>> > Hey, Na'Tosha.
>> >
>> > Do you mean set up a Python virtual environment, or are you saying that
>> Buildbot provides such an enclosure?  A Google of "buildbot virtual
>> environment" didn't turn up anything edifying.
>> >
>> > Might you have a URL that provides more information on running it this
>> way?
>> Hmm.  Maybe our slaves are set up weirdly, but to do this on our slaves,
>> it would be:
>> $ source ~/buildbot-venv/bin/activate
>> The go to the appropriate directory and run the build.  The buildslave
>> runs inside this virtualenv so there can be differences.
>> Cheers,
>> Na'Tosha
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