[Buildbot-devel] certain "protocols" of mq will cause queue register failed

Damon Wang damon.devops at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 06:49:42 UTC 2014


I tested kombu mq plugin these days, and find lots of queues cant be
registered successfully, sometimes it raise an error like:

"amqp.exceptions.UnexpectedFrame: Received 0x04 while expecting 0xce"

I tried to use an extra thread for every queue's register, but even the
code work, the rabbitmq wont (sue rabbitmqctl list_queues and find few
queues registered successfully), after lots of attempts, I find use
"llibrabbitmq://guest:guest@localhost//" instead of
"amqp://guest:guest@localhost//" will solve this problem temporarily.

I haven't test any other mq (like ZeroMQ, ZooKeeper), I guess they will
cause similar problems.

Please make comments if you have any!


P.S @Dustin: We wont delete exchange when buildbot stop? What about queues?
It seems that exchange can be declared even it already exists, but it will
cause exceptions when we use register a queue with a name which
already exists. Though we can add random letters into queue's name, but
there will be lots of queues on the mq server if the server haven't restart
for a while!
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