[Buildbot-devel] Processing a log file to create a HTMLLog in a custom BuildStep

Philippe McLean philippe.mclean at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 20:58:34 UTC 2014

I would suggest implementing your XML -> HTML conversion as an independent
tool/script, checking that into your source tree, and executing it on the
slave side to generate the html log there.

This makes it easier to develop your markup script and avoids the
antipattern of implementing a lot of code in master.cfg.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Matt Williams <lists at milliams.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just started using Buildbot and I'm liking it a lot so far but
> I'm having a problem I was hoping I could get some help with.
> I am building a C++ project and running unit tests on it. I'm using a
> test framework which outputs XML information about the tests and saves
> this as a log file.
> Inspired by
> http://blogs.igalia.com/itoral/2007/02/13/howto-integrate-unit-tests-with-buildbot/
> ,
> I've written some code which can convert that XML into a nice HTML log
> file which, in a custom BuildStep, I can addHTMLLog().
> The problem I am having is that the BuildStep runs on the master and
> so can't directly access the log file on the slave. I guess the
> simplest way to solve this would be to move the log file over to the
> master and parse it there but I can't work out how to do that.
> Could anyone give me some pointers on the best way to tackle this problem.
> Regards,
> Matt Williams
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