[Buildbot-devel] 8-bit chars vs. sqlalchemy?

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sat Jan 4 15:02:42 UTC 2014

Buildbot does add the charset=utf-8:


In 0.8.x, more commonly the issue is feeding bytestrings to
sqlalchemy, rather than feeding unicode instances (which it could then
encode).  In fact, that's what the original error was, here.'

In nine, all access to the data API (and for the DB API) verifies that
it is receiving unicode instances and not bytestrings in all cases.
This leaves it up to the data source to determine the encoding.
That's not always easy -- for example, logfiles might contain
iso-8859-1 filenames and utf-8 output gcc, making an accurate decoding
very difficult.  Most data sources in nine (including logfiles) have
an encoding parameter that specifies the encoding they should expect
to find on their inputs.

It looks like this has not been done for
`master/buildbot/changes/mail.py`, not least because the file has
woefully inadequate test coverage.  That might make a nice task for
someone to get started hacking on nine..


On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Ian Zimmerman <itz at buug.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 11:01:03 -0500
> Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:
> Charles> Maybe someone else can speak to the specifics of sqlalchemy and
> Charles> 8-bit characters. The part that caught my eye is that "Fu\xdf"
> Charles> (Fuß) is valid ISO 8859-1/15, but not valid UTF-8. Might be a
> Charles> red herring, though (I am not familiar with the code that
> Charles> printed the error message).
> This kind of stuff tends to happen when the sqlalchemy "engine" is
> opened with something like this:
> mysql://user:password@host/database
> instead of this:
> mysql://user:password@host/database?charset=utf-8
> I think the docs say the default is iso-8859-1, but in fact it is
> cp-1252 aka Western.
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