[Buildbot-devel] Getting triggered build hierarchy

Jim Rowan jmr at computing.com
Fri Feb 7 07:14:28 UTC 2014

You should be able to pass the build number of ci as a property down  
to ci.zzzz, right?  The notifier in ci.zzzz can get at the properties  
of it's build.

On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:19 PM, Jared Grubb wrote:

> I dont think is really possible ... and I'd like to be able to do  
> the exact same thing!
> Something like a "join" on builds so I can then present a view on a  
> few parallel builds from a single checkin.
> I have some ideas on how this could be done, but I havent had any  
> time to pursue it yet. Are you looking to implement it, or just  
> hoping to use it if there's a way?
> Jared
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 17:54, Richard Offer <richard at whitequeen.com>  
> wrote:
>> How can I get the parent builder of a build step that was triggered ?
>> What I’m trying to do….
>> I have  top level builder (ci) that triggers lots of different  
>> builders (i.e ci.aaa, ci.bbb, … ci.zzzz). Obviously each builder  
>> has its own build number.
>> In the mail notifier that I’ve attached to the ci.zzzz builder I  
>> want to obtain the build number of the ci builder that triggered it.
>> This is so I can send an email that ties together the ci.zzzz build  
>> with the others (the ci.zzzz build takes a long time so ci triggers  
>> it without waiting). The other builders produce results that are  
>> possible to use before the final (ci.zzzz) packaging step.
>> Thanks for any pointers.
>> richard.
>> PS. We’re still using 0.8.6p1
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