[Buildbot-devel] Getting triggered build hierarchy

Richard Offer richard at whitequeen.com
Thu Feb 6 01:54:53 UTC 2014

How can I get the parent builder of a build step that was triggered ?

What I’m trying to do….

I have  top level builder (ci) that triggers lots of different builders (i.e ci.aaa, ci.bbb, … ci.zzzz). Obviously each builder has its own build number.

In the mail notifier that I’ve attached to the ci.zzzz builder I want to obtain the build number of the ci builder that triggered it. 

This is so I can send an email that ties together the ci.zzzz build with the others (the ci.zzzz build takes a long time so ci triggers it without waiting). The other builders produce results that are possible to use before the final (ci.zzzz) packaging step.

Thanks for any pointers.


PS. We’re still using 0.8.6p1

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