[Buildbot-devel] Polling multiple branches for same repoul with GitPoller

Tarcísio Rodrigues tarcisio.genaro at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 03:24:26 UTC 2013

Hello, there.

I've ran into an issue trying to get two GitPoller's working with the same
repourl but with different branches. Every time the master started it
crashed with this error:

line 303, in addService
            " '%s'" % service.name)
        exceptions.RuntimeError: cannot have two services with same name ...

I was able to find a thread on this and a bug report with the same problem
for HgPoller:



Actually there's a very simple patch to get this working for GitPoller:

So I was wondering: is this really a issue, or am I doing something wrong
in my settings?


Tarcísio G. Rodrigues
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