[Buildbot-devel] buildbot try pb max diff size

Marc-Antoine Ruel maruel at chromium.org
Wed Sep 11 19:32:52 UTC 2013

Monkey patch it.

from twisted.spread import banana

# By default, the banana's string size limit is 640kb, which is insufficient
# when passing diff's around. Raise it to 100megs. Do this here since the
# is enforced on both the server and the client so both need to raise the
# limit.
banana.SIZE_LIMIT = 100 * 1024 * 1024

2013/9/11 Diane Maple <dianemaple76 at yahoo.com>

> Hello,
> While waiting on a response to my other question about the format of the
> jobdir data files and how to I can generate them without using the buildbot
> command on the client...
> I am trying to use the buildbot try with connection type of pb.
> I hit the limit for the allowed "string" which it turns out it the diff
> between my workspace and the current repository rev.  Is there some way to
> change the limit?
> I am doing this work because of my need to integrate a few branches /
> workspaces which have diverged a bit...   Buildbot try will help to limit
> the impact of the code merging back.
> Thank you for your comments.
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