[Buildbot-devel] How to synchronise parallel builds for correct mail notification

John Carr johnmdcarr at me.com
Mon Sep 2 19:22:12 UTC 2013

Hi Erik,

Oops - ignore previous e-mail, I leaned over keyboard and hit send…


Has a custom Trigger that launches multiple builds and waits for them to finish, and then has a custom MailNotifier than can generates notifications for the build that does the trigger.

In my case it's really complicated because the number of child builds to start is configurable from a yml file in the checkout… But it might be possible with less code.

(The second part to this is that the parent build (which uses Trigger to start child builds) only allow one build at a time and are set to wait for the child builds - forcing the notifications to be serialised - this sounds like what you are after?).


On 2 Sep 2013, at 17:15, Jared Grubb <jared.grubb at gmail.com> wrote:

> So you want all the builds to run concurrently, but you want to serialize the mail notifications. I dont think this is possible in buildbot right now, since the emails are generated right after the build completes, so there's not an obvious place to synchronize them that I can think of.
> If this is important to you and you'd like to write a patch, we'd be happy to work with you to help you get around the codebase and find a good way to do it. If you are not able to write the patch, at least file a Trac issue and maybe someone will take it up. More volunteers are always welcome though :) 
> Jared
> On Sep 1, 2013, at 23:59, Erik <mail654 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi Dustin,
>> Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin <at> v.igoro.us> writes:
>>> What is the problem, exactly?
>> The problem was described in my original post, here a copy:
>> I'm using buildbot to build several projects (every project/target
>> combination is one "builder") on some buildslaves.
>> I enabled all builders on all buildslaves to have the best efficiency.
>> I configured mail notification with mode="problem".
>> Unfortunately some buildslaves are much faster than others, so it can happen
>> one build (on a fast slave) is
>> finished, before previous build (on a slow slave) was finished.
>> If this unfinished build will not compile (and the next build also), the
>> commiter of source code changes for
>> both builds were notified about the problem.
>> But the second commiter did not cause this compile problem.
>> How can I synchronise the builds, that mail notification for a failed build
>> only be send if the prev build was finished?
>> Is this possible with Blocker class or Locks?
>> Some example code would be great, because I'm not very good in python
>> programming.
>> Thank you,
>> Erik
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