[Buildbot-devel] How to synchronise parallel builds for correct mail notification

Jared Grubb jared.grubb at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 16:15:04 UTC 2013

So you want all the builds to run concurrently, but you want to serialize the mail notifications. I dont think this is possible in buildbot right now, since the emails are generated right after the build completes, so there's not an obvious place to synchronize them that I can think of.

If this is important to you and you'd like to write a patch, we'd be happy to work with you to help you get around the codebase and find a good way to do it. If you are not able to write the patch, at least file a Trac issue and maybe someone will take it up. More volunteers are always welcome though :) 


On Sep 1, 2013, at 23:59, Erik <mail654 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Dustin,
> Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin <at> v.igoro.us> writes:
>> What is the problem, exactly?
> The problem was described in my original post, here a copy:
> I'm using buildbot to build several projects (every project/target
> combination is one "builder") on some buildslaves.
> I enabled all builders on all buildslaves to have the best efficiency.
> I configured mail notification with mode="problem".
> Unfortunately some buildslaves are much faster than others, so it can happen
> one build (on a fast slave) is
> finished, before previous build (on a slow slave) was finished.
> If this unfinished build will not compile (and the next build also), the
> commiter of source code changes for
> both builds were notified about the problem.
> But the second commiter did not cause this compile problem.
> How can I synchronise the builds, that mail notification for a failed build
> only be send if the prev build was finished?
> Is this possible with Blocker class or Locks?
> Some example code would be great, because I'm not very good in python
> programming.
> Thank you,
> Erik
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