[Buildbot-devel] Writing custom steps

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Mon Oct 28 18:43:50 UTC 2013

My advice: ignore all the Buildbot machinery for doing file transfers,
and just code it all using scp or rsync and a shell script...

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Andrii Senkovych
<jolly_roger at itblog.org.ua> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to make several steps to support building arbitrary Debian
> packages in Buildbot. I need to download/upload several files in a
> single step, and one file (usually *.dsc or *.changes) contains the
> information about the others. So in case of the download step I have
> to:
> 1) parse *.changes file on master (using debian.deb822 python module)
> to get the rest of the file names)
> 2) download all files in one go
> However to make similar upload step and keep buildslave clean (and
> dumb) I would need:
> 1) upload *.changes file on the master
> 2) parse it and get the rest of the filenames
> 3) upload the rest of the files
> I have looked through the buildbot.steps.transfer module to get the
> general Idea and found that multiple file uploads is done by streaming
> tar data. But it seems I would need to terminate streaming after
> downloading the first file and to resume it after I get the names of
> other files. Or maybe it's better to just combine several FileUpload
> commands in one?
> Thanks,
> --
> Best regards, Andriy Senkovych
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