[Buildbot-devel] Follow up on autopep8

Marc-Antoine Ruel maruel at chromium.org
Mon Oct 28 14:50:10 UTC 2013

I agree with Pierre, enforced code formatting makes everything simpler long

I also agree it's better to do it as a single commit on the master branch
then merge it on the nine branch, so that follow up merges are simpler.


2013/10/28 Pierre Tardy <tardyp at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I worked a little bit more on autopep8 this week end.
> I see that ewongbb also worked on it, this looks like duplicated work, so
> I'd like we make a decision as a community on how we continue this effort.
> I prepared a small google form for every voice to be heard:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aUlpcs86fpQ85ltt0dGXrvAsRPMgdqDTKBNrpoKEPBk/viewform
> Here are my points here in a shameful attempt to influence the mass :-)
> Each developer has its own coding preferences. You could tell from the
> code which developer wrote it. This leads to incoherencies in the whole
> codebase, and the newcomers does not really know which best practice to use.
> Some of the pep8 errors looks silly or pointless (e.g. E26x). The point is
> really to make a clear and firm decision on what to do., citing the python
> zen:
>     There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
> We are maintaining 2 branches (nine and master), merges are becoming
> painful. Having a strict common codestyle helps the merge, especially if we
> enforce strict white spaces, and sorted import lines.
> This is the reasons why I plaid to automatically fix and enforce all pep8
> errors, and automatically sort the import lines. I also plaid to do that in
> one PR, in order to have merging the results only once into nine.
> The automatically sorting of import lines needs some more work, especially
> fixing the import __future_ bug, as well as fixing multiline import bug.
> I'll push some fix this week, as well as unit tests.
> Pierre
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