[Buildbot-devel] TODAY @ 4PM in Rm 202: BoF/Meetup session at PyCon USA 2013

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at sfconservancy.org
Sat Mar 16 16:33:01 UTC 2013

I've set up a BoF/Meetup session today at 16:00 (4PM) in Room 202 (which
is on floor 2A, you can find it on the map).  The meeting will last one
hour, and is directly after the PyPy BoF session (and in the same room).

Note that this *does not* change nor replace the meeting that Dustin
already scheduled 7:30PM today: that later meeting is specifically for
discussion of Buildbot's membership in Conservancy.

The opportunity for Buildbot developers at the earlier 4PM meeting to talk
directly with Python-related projects who have already been in Conservancy
for a while and ask questions, etc.

Agenda for the earlier 4PM discussion is open, but can include:
   * Questions/concerns that existing Conservancy projects has.

   * Questions/discussion from existing Conservancy applicants or
     projects considering offers for membership.

   * A chance for different Representatives / Project Leadership
     Committess / contractors from different Conservancy projects to
     meet each other!

I look forward to seeing you there!
Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director, Software Freedom Conservancy

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