[Buildbot-devel] Templates using bootstrap

Miguel Angel miguelangel.garcia at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 20:21:26 UTC 2013


I've created some templates for buildbot. They can replace the default ones.

I'm not designer and I used Bootstrap. Bootstrap is Apache licensed and
maybe it is not a good idea to use it in the default distribution of
Bootstrap (GPL). I used GPL in BBB despite I know I cannot, but if anybody
has any problem, I will change it to Apache (I'm pretty sure nobody will
get angry with this).

I tried to do more advanced things, but they require to modify the code. I
thought about that... And maybe I can contribute improving the web
environment if it can be backwards incompatible.

My new templates are here:
https://github.com/magmax/bbb#buildbot-bootstrapwhere you can find
some screenshots.

I will appreciate any feedback, but remember that I'm not designer :D

Thank you!

Miguel Ángel García Martínez
Mail <miguelangel.garcia at gmail.com> | Twitter <http://twitter.com/#magmax9>
 | LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/miguelangelgarciamartinez> |
about.me <http://about.me/miguelangelgarcia>
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