[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot 0.8.8 release candidate
Tom Prince
tom.prince at ualberta.net
Sat Jul 13 22:51:39 UTC 2013
The first (long overdue) release candidate of what will become
buildbot-0.8.8 is now available for download. You can install it in a
virtualenv with
pip install http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/buildbot-0.8.8rc1.tar.gz
pip install http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/buildbot-slave-0.8.8rc1.tar.gz
As always, please report any bugs you find with this version at
http://buildbot.net. Specify version 'master' in the bug report.
(note that the release candidate is not on pypi, as we do not want new
users to see this version until it is fully released)
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