[Buildbot-devel] buildbot 'nine': ImportError: No module named mq

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Mon Jan 7 02:23:00 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Jason Edgecombe <jason at rampaginggeek.com> wrote:
> I'm the main buildbot admin for the OpenAFS project. We're running a dated
> buildbot instance with jaysoffian's custom patches to push build results
> back into Gerrit. I would like to upgrade to a non-patched buildbot
> installation and start getting more metrics on builds.
> To this end, I'm trying to get https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/483
> cleaned up and accepted.
> I'm just trying to install from source using the git repo. I'm a python
> n00b, but I'm a seasoned sysadmin who knows other scripting languages well.
> I made the buildbot puppet module to learn puppet and to help me code
> against buildbot and maintain the OpenAFS buildbot.
> I might need to switch my VM to Ubuntu to get the extra node requirements.
> Any instructions on how to stand up buildbot are appreciated.

Honestly, at this point 'nine' is very much a development branch.
Things still kinda work (although a lot of status plugins won't work
after https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/597 lands), but
nothing's nailed down and there are lots of "TODO" items.  If you're
up for that kind of challenge, by all means, dive in.  But for what
you're working on, it might be better to work against master...


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